🇬🇧 English🇧🇷 Português


You can check and follow the code and developement in my repo on Github.

You can check the result so far bellow:

How it works?

  1. The Sun is fixed in the center of the space and with a Mouse Click you can insert planets (mass) anywhere you want.
  2. With Mouse Scroll (Wheel) you can increase or decrease the diameter of the planet and consequently its Mass.
  3. The Attraction Forces that the Sun and the Planets exert on each other is proportional to their masses. The mass is proportional to the volume of a sphere with the chosen diameter.
  4. I found a bug and chose to leave it in the code when I didn't put a minumum value for the diameter that can be setted. Then the the mass value can be negative, so I called it Antimass and the force it exerts on other planets is repulsion.