🇬🇧 English🇧🇷 Português

Anderson Lot

I'm an Electrical Engineer and I recently discovered that I love coding.

My first step was with the classical language C. Some time after it I knew Arduino, then I developed interest in electronics and microcontrolers.

I started some projects using Processig, which uses a framework very similar to Arduino, based on JavaScript. At that time I developed a software to calculate the magnitude of some parameter of electric grids, but I didn't share the project, since at that time I still didn't know Github and communities.Soon I whant to present this project here with the others as well.

Most recently, through Daniel Shifmann (who has a youtube chanel and a book that I liked so much), I got contact with the P5.js framework, which made it much easier to build projects to keep me connected with this universe in the rare free hours I had in recent years. And now I met GitHub and I'm in love with this plataform and I can't wait to learning and build projects with community.

Here in this portfolio, which is also a work on progress, you will find some of the projects that is on progress or finished. You can follow all these projects in my GitHub profile. If you want to contribute or sugest, make yourself free to do it.

In the future I intend to unify my Wordpress Blog project here in this site. Until there, you can check the content in wordpress!