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Game of Life

In this project, I am working on the implementation of Conways Game of Life.

This scrips consists in representing a group of cells that have rules to survive or not in their universe in each genaration.

The most common rules were created by John Conway, the creator of this game. The rules are:

  1. A live cell survive if it has 2 or 3 live neighbours.
  2. A dead cell revive if it has 3 live neighbours.
  3. Otherwise the cell dies.

The code you can check in my Repository on GitHub. The result, so far, you can check bellow:

How to Play?

  1. Click on a cell to bring it to life. After creating your pattern you can press the Play button.
  2. The Pause button will pause the actual generation, allowing you to change live or dead cells and run again clicking on Play.
  3. The Clean All button clears the entire screen and resets the Genaration Counter.
  4. The + Gen/s and - Gen/s control the generation rate per second.
  5. The Random button generates a random pattern of live cells
  6. Try using the following patterns and check what happend: